Instagram 9 photos grid
Instagram 9 photos grid

instagram 9 photos grid

I tried to randomize mine as much as possible.

instagram 9 photos grid

I didn’t have any colored sticky flags so I cut colored post-it notes into 4 strips and placed them on the papers. Use sticky notes or flags to divide your phrase. Divide your phrase into four different colors. Lay out each paper in the order it will appear on the grid. The grid works best in a square, so stick to either 3×3 or 4×4. If you’re doing a 3×3 grid you will only have 9 pages. Once your phrase is made, print the pages. For some pages I had to condense the character spacing in the font to make it fit on one line. You will likely have to do some minor formatting such as condensing font and changing font size to fit the page. I used Microsoft Word with the font Imprint MT Shadow ranging between 150-210 font size, depending on the phrase. I recommend using a font size between 180-210 depending on the font. Select a bold or thick font so it can be easily read. Use landscape orientation and increase the top margin to help center the text (drag the top margin bar down so the text sits lower on the page). Use Microsoft Word or Google Docs to type the word(s) for each square on separate pages. You don’t have to have a complete thought in every row.

instagram 9 photos grid

You can also extend your phrase over multiple boxes or rows. For example, I did my grid as a thank you to workers during COVID-19 and one of my boxes was “USPS/FedEx/UPS” because it made the most sense to group them together. It’s okay to have more than one word in a box if it makes the most sense that way. Decide what your phrase is going to be divide it into individual words/squares. Here is an in-depth guide with added details, tips, and guidance. If you’d like more in-depth instructions, read below. It may take awhile, but the result is so worth it! This video below gives basic instructions on how to create your collage with photos and videos for visual support. Be prepared to dedicate a whole day to this. Well you’re in luck because I’ve created this easy-to-understand guide on how to create a text grid photo collage. Or you simply liked the idea and wanted to create on all by yourself. But you were never invited to be part of one. Grid photo collages with multiple different people holding up signs to write a message. You’ve probably seen them all over Instagram during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Instagram 9 photos grid